Finding Office NPT



Our main goal is to let engineers focus on engineering


You want your staff to operate from their position of strength and training. Any time they are not operating from their position of strength there is an increased likelihood of Office NPT being present. Oftentimes the largest contributor to Office NPT is information flow: its creation and management all the way to its root systems. This could include:

  • Inconsistent delivery processes
  • Disorganized document storage and retrieval mechanisms
  • Poorly written or confusing text
  • Disorganized and inconsistently formatted documents
  • Lack of document version control

Reducing this noise and Office NPT is essential, and every organization is different. There is no one-size-fits-all to the effort to improve team efficiency and reduce Office NPT. We work with the tools you have available and build easy to understand processes that help everyone understand where documents live, how to retrieve them, and how to update them. If the tool or process isn’t available, we can help you create that as well. All of this is underpinned by our ability to craft simple, easy to manage documents and document management solutions. This means straightforward formats and plain English text in a repeatable manner.

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15201 Mason Road, Ste. 1000,
Cypress Tx 77433

Phone: 281-744-3795 / Fax: 832-201-7262

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